5 things you should know about The Queen Garnet Plum
Queen Garnet Plums are a firm favourite of mine, both juicy and tasty, they are packed with nutrients, but there is so much more to know about these beautiful purple fruits, read on for all the health benefits.
1. The Queen Garnet Plum contain up to SEVEN times more antioxidants than other plums and SIX times the antioxidant of blueberry’s. These powerful antioxidants are contained within the nectar of the plum and studies have shown they can help reduce inflammation associated with IBD.
2. Queen Garnet Plums contain insoluble fibre that will help keep your digestive system ticking along nicely. Just two plums a day can provide enough of the antioxidant ‘anthocyanin’ that research has shown result in health benefits.
3. The Queen Garnet Plum was originally bred to make it disease resistant, however, upon cutting it open the breeders knew they had discovered something extra special with dense purple flesh being an indicator of a high antioxidant content.
4. More than 30 growers in Australia now grow Queen Garnet Plums and they can be found on shelves between February and March. However, because the nectar content is 100% Queen Garnet Plum products like powders, juices and probiotic chewables can be bought throughout the year.
5. Due to its extremely high antioxidant content The Queen Garnet Plum is known affectionately as the “QUEEN OF ANTIOXIDANTS, with health benefits such as reduced blood pressure, fat levels and inflammation.